I also really like the way Ricky Gervais works. I like UK comedians like Michael McIntyre–I think he’s very smart. I think maybe I relate because he too looks at himself a lot. Which comedians do you look up to? I really like Louis C.K. Whatever happens around me, that’s what helps me write things. My kind of comedy is more observational and introspective, so I’m looking at myself and the outside. To use someone else’s joke is the highest crime. We caught up with the funny man and talked comedy, fathers and music How do you come up with material for your gigs? As comedians, we take a lot of pride in our jokes being original. COVER ROBOCOP (2014)ĬOMEDY VALUE Malaysian comic Kuah Jenhan makes a guest appearance on our Chart Toppers radio channel this month. YOUR SELECT ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE IS PRODUCED BY SPAFAX AIRLINE NETWORK EDITOR-IN-CHIEF RICHARD RAWLINSON EDITOR DANNY BROGAN EDITORIAL ADVISOR SIMON TUTTON SUB EDITOR LAURA DEAN-OSGOOD DESIGN ROBIN CASTLE PRODUCTION MANAGER HENRIETTA COBBALD ACCOUNT MANAGER SYED NASIR TRANSLATION CLS COMMUNICATION, LONDON © 2013 SPAFAX, THE PUMPHOUSE, 13-16 JACOBS WELL MEWS, LONDON, W1U 3DY TEL: +44 20 7906 2001 / YOUR INFLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT IS PRODUCED IN CONSULTATION WITH THE EDITORIAL TEAM OF MALAYSIA AIRLINES’ COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION & INFLIGHT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Then find out which entertainment system you have. Getting Started See which aircraft you’re on by checking the safety card in your seatback.