U-Boat: a stealthy naval unit of the atomic.Can build more districts in their cities than the population would normally allow.Combat bonus when fighting units owned by city-states (apt, as keeping unruly city-states in line was kind of his jam).One additional military policy slot regardless of government type.You’ll be well-suited to most victory types by exploiting the superb income that trade routes will bring you, spending those fat stacks of gold to develop your cities and maintain a large army if needed. But Cleopatra’s Egypt is really all about trade. To her credit, Cleopatra was well-liked by the Egyptian people for being the first of the Ptolemaids to learn their language and begin to embrace their culture.Įarly-game military dominance is one option, with the chariot archers being excellent harassment units when the terrain is favorable. Her family, the Ptolemaic dynasty, were ethnic Greeks and descendants of one of the generals who helped Alexander the Great conquer Egypt generations earlier. Maryannu Chariot Archer: A very fast early game ranged unit ideal for fighting on open terrainĪs Catherine was not actually French, so too was Cleopatra not actually Egyptian.Sphinx improvement: Grants bonus culture if placed next to a wonder.Builds districts faster if placed next to a river (modeling how the Egyptian civilization developed in a linear corridor along the Nile).Trade routes Egypt starts generate bonus gold, and incoming trade routes from other civs grant bonus gold to Egypt and bonus food to the originator.You’ll also have large combat bonuses during the Renaissance and later when fighting on your home continent, so time your conquests appropriately if you want to go the warmonger route.

Your best bet is probably to spam wonders in the early game to take advantage of the château’s adjacency bonuses, making use of the individual abilities of the wonders you snag early on to guide your strategy. She was known as a patron of the arts, and is often credited with keeping the House of Valois on the French throne through a period of strong internal tensions.įrance is set up nicely to go for a cultural or a domination victory. She was queen consort to King Henry II of France until his death in 1560, at which time she ruled as Queen Regent until her son, Henry III, came of age to take the throne in 1573. You’re going to see a bit of a theme there with Civ 6’s leader choices. Garde Impériale: A Renaissance infantry unit with bonuses fighting on France’s home continent (reminiscent of Napoleon’s European dominance during that era)Ī member of the illustrious, Italian Medici family (which should sound familiar to Ezio fans), Catherine was not actually French.Château district: Grants bonus culture when placed next to a wonder.Bonus production toward Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial era wonders.Increased spy capacity in the Medieval era.Increased Diplomatic Visibility with all civs.Ransomware attacks are hitting universities. We made it to Friday! I hope everyone gets a little downtime this weekend and recharges but before then, let's jump into today's Snap! Snap! Ransomware university attacks, Win 10 update, Chrome sidebar, & Earth Day! Spiceworks Originals.For any of you support remote workers, what do you do when a laptop needs to be repaired? Do you send out a temporary laptop for the staff member or do they just wait for the repair to return?Just tr. Hello,I am IT Admin for a startup that is fully remote. How do you manage repairs for remote staff? Networking.Hello, I am IT director for a medium sized company (100 PC) based in Canada and starting 2 years ago like many corporations, we gone from a 100% local business to 75% remote employee working from home from anywhere in Canada and even worldwide (I have emp. Remotely lockdown/wipe corporate computer when employee terminates? Security.